In-Depth Week

Children's Mental Health

Children's Mental Health In-Depth Week Panelists

  • Peggy Huppert


  • Tonya Hotchkin

    Tanager Place

  • Meredith Myers


  • Dr. Gerta Bardhoshi

    Iowa Center for School Mental Health

  • Michelle Smyth

    Quad Cities Autism Center

  • Drew Martel

    Foundation 2

  • Mike Tupper

    YSS/MPACT Program for Kids in Crisis

  • Allison Bruhn

    Iowa Center for School Mental Health

  • Brad Niebling

    Iowa Department of Education


  • Monday, June 6, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Designing the Ideal

    Moderator: Zack Kucharski

    Panelists: Mary Neubauer, Peggy Huppert, Tonya Hotchkin

    From the early initiatives to today, where are we in building an inclusive, accessible, effective program that will have the greatest benefit for youth and their families? Where have we made progress and where are we lacking?

  • Tuesday, June 7, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Family and Navigating the System

    Moderator: Emily Andersen

    Panelists: Molly Rowland, Meredith Myers

    In times of crisis, access to resources for the individual and their families is critical. What resources exist that prioritize keeping families united? How can after care programs pave way to long-term success?

  • Wednesday, June 8, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Intakes, Assessments, Diagnosis

    Moderator: Zack Kucharski

    Panelists: Dr. Gerta Bardhoshi, Michelle Smyth

    An exploration of the variety of templates to assess need and measure risk. How accurate are intakes? Have they changed over time? What are effective assessments and are we researching new methods?

  • Thursday, June 9, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Children's Mental Health in Law Enforcement and the Courts

    Moderator: Emily Andersen

    Panelists: Drew Martel, Mike Tupper

    A look at pilot projects being tested and explored Juvenile mental health services in schools.

  • Friday, June 10, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Mental Health Resources in Schools

    Moderator: Zack Kucharski

    Panelists: Allison Bruhn, Brad Niebling

    The UI Center receives $20M in funding from COVID recovery dollars to be the statewide hub of mental health training for teachers. Additionally, several districts received therapeutic classroom grants through the Department of Education.

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