Iowa Ideas
Conference Schedule 2022

9 Tracks Representing Key Topics in Iowa

One of the greatest values identified by past conference attendees is the variety of topics and issues represented throughout, encouraging attendees to build a personalized experience based on unique Iowa interests. Iowa Ideas identified nine key areas (“tracks”) for the 2022 program.

Conference Schedule • October 13 - 14, 2022

Filter sessions:

Time Arts & Culture Community Education Energy & Environment Health Care Human & Social Services Policy Workforce Bonus Sessions
Thursday Schedule
Opening Keynote Speaker: Simon Estes
DEI: Making the arts accessible to all
Carbon Dioxide Pipelines: Do they have a public benefit?
Worker Shortages in Health Care
Iowa and 988
Long-term sustainability and funding streams
Myths vs. Reality on Solar Energy
DEI: Tracking Iowa's Health Care Disparities
DEI: Availability of beds for those in crisis
Featured Speakers: Director Durham, Director Townsend
Bringing the arts and business communities closer together
Electric Vehicles and Utility Grids
Prescription Drug Prices
The next phase of Iowa's Managed Care organizations: A Conversation with Health and Human Services Director Kelly Garcia
The role of arts and culture in community place making
Siting Decisions for Animal Feeding Operations, Solar, & Wind
The Future of Telehealth
Suicide Ideation among adults and younger
The Big Idea: Rebuilding the Arts Audience
The Big Idea: Iowa and the Mississippi River
The Big Idea: Iowa's Weight Gain
The Big Idea: Nonprofit Response to Inflation
Friday Schedule
Featured Keynote Speaker: Michele Shelton
Preserving the Arts in Public Education
Bitcoin Mines & Data Centers: How large energy users affect Iowa's power grid.
The Surge of STI's in Iowa
DEI: Immigrant and refugee long-term success in Iowa
Unlocking Successful Public Art Programs
Extreme Weather on agriculture, infrastructure, and people
Oral Health
The Rise of Substance Abuse
Closing Keynote Speakers: Clarissa Chun and Dan Gable

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"This is a hugely important issue for our state."
- Betty Andrews, NAACP
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